Whilst not denying the Cambridge growth idea and recognising the need for a long term approach, the Minister’s response to the Cambridge leak is ambiguous. Perhaps tellingly, a plan to win local support is not mentioned.
Matilda Battersby of Housing Today (14 July 2023) has another interesting article on responses to the plan, if it exists, to grow Cambridge massively in the next twenty years. Interestingly the government is sitting on the fence. She reports minister Rachel Maclean using careful words intended to distance the Sunak government from the speculation whilst not actually denying the existence of the plan or condemning the idea. Cautious is the watch-word. The minister said on Tuesday at the Built Environment Committee meeting
“I can’t comment on the speculation, but I can say this is not currently government policy’ .
and also helpfully noted the need to grow the UK economy by supporting ‘world leading industries such as life sciences. …….it would obviously be wrong of the government not to start to thinking about how to solve this problem, notwithstanding the very real, practical issues that exist in the ground. …. I think it is very important that the government has a long term approach to these things.But on the specifics of Cambridge or anywhere else, the Secretary of State will be making announcements in due course in the usual way.”
As always, what is not said is what matters. Is the speculation denied? No. So is there a growth plan? Is it government policy. She cannot comment on the speculation. Maybe there is a plan? But she adds ‘“…..but I can say this is not currently government policy”.
So is there evidence of a return to the real world? Are we at last departing from world of Alice in Wonderland planning (blog 9 July 2923)? Yes some evidence. But none at all to suggest there is also a plan to win local support for now homes. Without a credible plan to win the attention and thoughtful acceptance of worried people like Anthony Browne MP ( blog 11 July 2023) this plan, regardless of its possibilities is still-born.
Ian Campbell
14 July 2023