Bath and North East Somerset Council have just issued a new ‘call for sites’. The local council is resetting its local plan in a bid to meet its increased local housing need figure, up from 14500 homes by 2042 to 29,000 by 2045. It seems in September 2024 Kevin Guy the Liberal Democrat leader wrote to the Deputy Prime Minister expressing concern about the ‘unrealistic’ housing figures and importantly highlighted the need for a ‘cross boundary approach’. Good to hear about a rare outburst of leadership common sense. But a shame to read that there is still a local belief that the call for sites system will result in giving residents what they want. Of course it will not. One more blow to trust in the planning system is locked into its future reputation amongst Bath’s residents.
How can local council leaders responsible for their areas’s spatial policy abdicate spatial planning policy to local landownersz? It seems so obvious this way forward guarantees disillusionment and spatial failure. Why do civic leaders of an urban area like Bath renowned world wide for its historic heritage throw away.this basic duty? It is either shameful misconduct or myopic foresight of a low level. Quite extraordinary.
If the council, or its members as a whole believes it cannot, on the land available to it meet its spatial needs to 2045 , then it must tell the government in clear and loud tones. And the sit down and wait.if need be, resign. Please start to think.. Please start to take is your duty.
Ian Campbell
21 February 2025