Leaders must Concentrate

The new housing minister, Lucy Frazer is well intentioned, like all her predecessors. That is good. Rightly she says ‘what people often object to isn’t always homes, it’s about ugly large developments that are crowbarred without their consent into their areas…..’. Widespread recognition at all levels that current house prices and rents are excessive is … Continue reading Leaders must Concentrate

Density, Democracy =Local Control

Increasing densities in urban areas in theory makes sense. But reality is tough for local councils and residents on the ground. Proposals to increase density on a small, 6 unit residential site in The Close, Sandhurst are heavily criticised by neighbours and local leaders. Citing increased traffic, insufficient parking, impact on trees, overlooking, overshadowing, overbearing … Continue reading Density, Democracy =Local Control

A hugh challenge. And a solution.

The former chancellor of the exchequer, Philip Hammond was candid on Sunday’s Kuenssberg show. There is conflict between providing 300,000 new homes a year and the truth, many Conservative in rural areas do not want the homes near them. He added, everyone wants a solution, provided it is not on their doorstep. He says the … Continue reading A hugh challenge. And a solution.