’D’ day on the horizon?

Maybe a Conservative government is going to scrap hope value? At least for development schemes that provide high public benefit, examples being affordable housing proposals and new education and health facilities. If they do, for the developers, planners and their armies of consultants, it will be ‘D’ day. Or as history suggests is more likely, … Continue reading ’D’ day on the horizon?

Working together

In The Times last Friday (16 February 2024) their correspondent Emma Duncan (Build houses where people actually want to live) was the first national journalist to correctly identify the key to solving the chronic housing crisis. She rightly said that “If the government is serious about solving this crisis, it should start talking to the … Continue reading Working together

Is there a plan?

Our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak wrote an revealing Comment piece in The Times, Tuesday, 13 February 2024 about his government’s housing policy in England. His intentions may be good and his objectives seem to be worthy, but my goodness. His understanding of the reasons why 14 years of Conservative policy making have created an unaffordability … Continue reading Is there a plan?

Can brownfield sites help?

Michael Gove says he wants to force councils to accelerate brownfield development. I wish him well. Having spent a career trying to assemble brownfield sites in high demand areas like the Thames Valley, for both residential and commercial redevelopment, ie. regeneration of brownfield land, my opinion is that he will discover this solution to the … Continue reading Can brownfield sites help?